Common Mobiles

The mobiles listed here are often found around Dawn. Generally it's a good idea to make shopkeepers, atmospheric mobs and so on immune to disease and poisons, immune to attack, and so forth. Atmospheric mobs that do nothing else should be faded. The list goes on. This does not mean the values cannot be changed; the mobiles below can be used over and again between areas when one is not using a specialized mobile.


shopkeeper seller mobile~
[short description]~
[long description]
[look description]
BGVfwz 0 0 0
51 0 50d10+5000 50d10+5000 5d8+20 punch
-21 -21 -21 -21
0 ABCDLQ 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium 0

Atmospheric Mobiles

atmospheric mob atmosmob mobile~
an atmospheric mobile~
A mobile stands here, providing atmosphere.
0 0 0 0
60 0 50d10+10000 50d10+10000 8d6+28 punch
-30 -30 -30 -30
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
T random programName 100~


guildmaster mobile~
[short description]~
[long description]
[look description]
BGKVwxz 0 0 0
60 0 50d10+10000 50d10+10000 8d6+28 punch
-30 -30 -30 -30
0 ABCDLQ 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium 0

Mobile Setup

[short description]~
[long description]
[look description]
[act flags] [affect flags] [alignment] [mobile group]
[level] [+ to hit] [hit dice] [mana dice] [damage] [damage type]
[pierce] [bash] [slash] [exotic]
[offensive flags] [immunities] [resistances] [vulnerabilities]
[start position] [default position] [sex] [treasure]
[form flag] [part flag] medium 0