
On this reference page, we provide links to several helpful documents, including a newbie guide, an FAQ, the rules of the game and the current list of immortals. Look below to find a document you might not find elsewhere on this site.

An Introduction to Mudding

Are you new to the world of mudding? We're glad to be your first stop! The word MUD is an acronym that means simply (M)ulti-(U)ser (D)ungeon. This guide will help you understand what MUDding is all about. >> view it now <<

An Adventurer's Guide to Ayreon

Melancholy's Maps and other shops give away a guide which new adventurers can use to familiarize themselves with the world of Ayreon. The guide briefly discusses such topics as the world's religions, a character's skills, death, training, and more. The guide also shares brief explanations of many basic game commands which make life easier for the player. >> view it now <<

Rules of Play

Every game has rules. Dawn of the Ages is no exception. We present the rules as found in the game itself. >> view it now <<


Many people have served as immortals on Dawn of the Ages. We list them all on one page for your convenience. Sorry, no emails will be shared over the web. Spammers. >> view it now <<


Who currently plays on Dawn of the Ages? We update this webpage once a day to reflect the activity within the game. >> view it now <<